The Theory of Everything – Time Field Model
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Key Papers & Theoretical Works in the TFM

These papers detail various aspects of the Time Field Model, providing mathematical formulations, simulations, and predictions.
The Theory of Everything– Time Field Model (TFM)– The core framework unifying time waves, gravity, and quantum mechanics.
The Unified Time Wave Model– Explains quantum phenomena such as superposition, tun neling, and entanglement using time waves.
The Recurring Big Bang Version– Introduces the concept of continuous micro-Big Bangs driving universal expansion.
Time Waves and the Arrow of Time– Details how the arrow of time emerges from energy exchange and entropy growth.
Quantum Gravity in the Time Field Model– Provides a formulation of gravity based on time wave compression instead of spacetime curvature.
The Role of Space Quanta in Matter Formation– Describes how space quanta merge to form particles and how mass interacts with time waves.
Electromagnetic Fields as a Byproduct of Time Waves– Explores the link between time waves and electromagnetic field generation.
Time Field Dynamics and the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)– Matches TFM predictions with observed CMB fluctuations.
Black Holes as Single Massive Space Quanta– Proposes that black holes are not singularities but highly compressed space quanta.
The Stochastic Nature of Time Field Fluctuations– Introduces probabilistic effects in time f ield interactions, explaining quantum randomness

Future Papers in Development

Time Dilation and Relativity in the Time Field Model
• Matter-Antimatter Annihilation through Time Field Interactions
• Entropy, Information, and the Time Field’s Role in Computation
• The Connection Between Consciousness and Time Waves.

This collection fully defines the Time Field Model as an alternative framework to String Theory and Loop Quantum Gravity, while also solving fundamental physics problems like dark matter, dark energy, and unification of forces.